Behandla Wood Treatment Oil Alternative – Any Decent Products?

There are many wood treatment oils on the market. Each has a distinguishing feature that makes woodworkers choose them for a particular project. Behandla wood treatment oil is one of the products on the market, and many woodworkers favor it because it is food safe.

However, what is some other wood treatment oil that can be used in place of Behandla wood treat oil?

Check out this article for some excellent alternatives.

Behandla Wood Treatment Oil

Behandla wood treatment oil is a great wood treatment oil used by many woodworkers in the woodworking industry. It is reputed for its ability to penetrate deep into the wood for maximum protection and an extension of its lifespan.

Another reason people prefer the oil is because it contains a lead-free drying agent, which aids the protection of the wood from scratches and moisture. Treating wood with Behandla wood treatment oil preserves the wood and leaves it with a fine sheen.

Apart from the benefit of preservation, the oil requires a very short working time. It is usually dry to the touch in no less than 4 hours of application. At this stage, it is also water-repellent.

It does not give any powerful odor or contain any toxic material that harms the environment.

But what alternative oil can come in handy when Behandla oil is unavailable?

Tung Oil

Tung oil, also known as China wood oil, is a natural oil you can use instead of Behandla wood treatment oil. Tung oil works perfectly well for wood preservation.

The best part of it is an excellent alternative to Behandla wood treatment oil is that it is natural. Since Behandla wood treatment oil is usually preferred because it is food safe, Tung oil is a great alternative because it is food safe when fully cured.

Apart from being food safe, Tung oil also enhances the appearance of the wood and protects the wood from the elements.

Tung oil is obtained from the seeds of a Tung tree. These seeds from the nuts obtained from the Tung tree are pressed. In the process, the Tung oil is obtained. The oil naturally begins to harden upon its exposure to air. It has a relatively water-resistant formula.

Pure Tung oil is expensive, but it is absolutely worth the money. The usual price range for this protective oil is $17-$25. It is a great investment for your chop boards and butcher blocks.

Danish Oil

Danish oil is a very popular finish oil in the woodworking industry. It is an oil-based wipe-on finish that contains oil and many other special ingredients such as resin and many others for an effective and trustworthy finish.

It is a protective oil that you can apply on wood surfaces to protect them from stains, scratches, and cracks. It is a very durable and long-lasting oil. One of the many benefits of this finishing oil is that it enhances the appearance of your wood pieces.

However, Danish oil is not a natural alternative, unlike Tung oil and many other naturally occurring finish oil. That is why you may find many types of Danish oil in the market. You can enhance the protective coats by adding a small amount of varnish. Adding a small amount of varnish will get you thicker coats that are harder to wear.

Harder wearing also helps the coat easily resist stains, scratches, and cracks. You want to allow 4-6 hours of drying time between three coats of Danish oil to get the best results.

This great alternative is not too expensive. You can get it for as low as $20-$26. And it is pretty easy to use and maintain. In comparison to other types of oils, it dries faster, which is another great benefit.

Linseed Oil

Linseed oil is another name for flax seed oil. Linseed oil is another naturally occurring oil that is extracted from flax seeds.

Although it is often used as a drying agent in paints, it is a great finish oil, and many artisans use it in the woodworking industry as a great alternative to Behandla wood treatment oil.

It is a very high-quality oil. It is also eco-friendly since it is a naturally occurring oil. Linseed oil is a great alternative that can help restore the luster and color of your wood furniture. It also aids in the protection of your wood furniture as it locks out moisture to keep the wood in good condition.

Although it is obtained by pressing flax seeds, there are different types of linseed oil on the market. There is the raw linseed oil, polymerized and boiled linseed oil. The type to use depends on the type of project you want to do. Boiled linseed oil is often used for metal work finishes, while woodworkers love to use polymerized linseed oil as a wood finish.

Walnut Oil

Walnut oil is another great alternative you can use instead of Behandla wood treatment oil. It is obtained from Juglans Regia tree nuts. Manufacturers usually add other secret ingredients to ensure that the oil penetrates the wood deeply.

One thing they both have in common is that they are food safe. That is perhaps the most important reason they work great as a substitute for each other.

Walnut oil is a non-toxic wood finish oil that you can use to recondition your chop board, butcher block, or wooden salad bowl. There are many benefits to using walnut oil. Many woodworkers prefer it to many other alternatives because it has a high linoleic acid content and is heat treated. This makes it oxidize quicker than many other wood finish oil types.

Apart from being a food-safe wood finish oil, it also protects wood for a long time. Walnut oil penetrates the wood to improve the sheen and protect the wood from damage as it locks out moisture.

You want to apply it in a warm environment since the wood oil dries very slowly.

Can I Use Mineral Oil?

Yes, you can, but the mineral oil will not work as effectively as Behandla wood treatment oil or any other alternatives mentioned above.

Mineral oil is another excellent alternative. It is a petroleum-based wood protection oil that is odor free. Apart from providing your wood with a good finish, it can also protect your wood from cracks, scratches, and stains.

Mineral oil is used as a wood treatment oil for various types of wooden utensils and surfaces. You can apply mineral oil to your wooden salad bowls, butcher blocks, chop boards, and many other kitchen utensils.

The drawback of mineral oil is that it is not durable, unlike the oil alternatives mentioned earlier. This is perhaps the main reason many woodworkers do not use it often.

Can I Use Teak Oil?

The decision to use teak oil will depend on the type of treatment you want to give the wood. The major ingredient of Teak oil is usually Tung or Linseed oil. Manufacturers usually add other additives to the oil.

The main reason people use teak oil is that it gives a rich luster to the wood, improving its appearance. But teak oil does not offer any protection for your wood. It only helps your wood to recover its rich and colorful appearance. And the process of using teak oil to restore the luster of your wooden furniture requires several coats.

Using teak oil is also very expensive because the finish is not durable.

So, if you want to protect your wood pieces and not just brighten their colors, teak is not the best alternative to go for.

Instead of trying to protect your wooden furniture with teak oil, it would be best to use a teak sealer. Teak sealer, unlike teak oil, protects the wood by locking the oil and resin in the wood and locking out moisture from entering to damage the wood.

Another cool thing about using a teak sealer is that it is not very high maintenance. You also do not need to routinely apply it like teak oil. You can always apply a new coat of teak sealer every year.

Final Thoughts

The truth remains that no alternative will be as good as Behandla wood treatment oil. The treatment oil has some distinct ingredients that make it stand out as a great wood treatment oil.

However, the listed alternatives above are great treatment oils too. Many woodworkers use them to protect their woodworks because they have protection properties that can help seal wood and lock out moisture and other elements.

Although some people are of the opinion that teak oil and mineral oil are great wood treatment oils, the truth is they are only excellent choices for improving the appearance of the wood. But they are nowhere near the list of alternatives listed above for treatment. They are only good for ensuring that the color of the wood appears brighter.

So, you want to pay attention to the reason you are applying the oil.